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Economy of Oil and Natural Gas
How are Prices defined? The Global Oil Market Refining Market Price formation in the Retail Market The Gas...
Sustainability under uncertainty scenarios in the hydrocarbon business
Risk vs Uncertainty Risk refers to the probability that an event will occur in the future, the probability of...
Presentation of Oil Pipeline Rates Methodologies
General Principle for Tariff Calculations Pipeline Transportation Tariff Applications...
Rates for Transportation Crude Oil Pipelines
General Principle for Tariff Calculations. Pipeline Transportation Tariff Applications. Engineering projects. Pipeline...
How to Calculate Transport Tariff by Oil Pipeline?
The Tariff is based on the Costs of Service. The income must cover the costs of service and a profitability. Incomes...
Development and Prospects of LNG in Peru
Topics: Peru in the GNL Global Context. Liquefied Natural Gas Exports LNG for the Local Market...
How to Calculate Transport Tariff By Oil Pipeline
1.The Tariff is based on the Costs of Service. 2. The income must cover the costs of service and a profitability. 3....
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